Market Data and Digital Boundaries for Kazakhstan

For Kazakhstan we can offer you on administrative level the following Market Data and matching Digital Boundaries:

Geographic Level
Type admin admin
Name Oblystar Audandar
Number of Areas 20 221
Population per Region 950 000 86 000
Market Data
Purchasing Power x x
Population x x
Households x x
Population by Sex x x
Population by Agebands x x
Unemployed x
Digital Boundaries
Polygons x x
Digital Boundaries KazakhstanPurchasing Power Kazakhstan

The MB-Research Market Data for Kazakhstan are delivered as a well arranged Excel-table.

In addition to the data we can offer you compatible digital boundaries in all popular formats for use in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). If desired, we gladly integrate the data in your digital boundaries – that way you can comfortably use the data directly within your system.

We advise you gladly and look forward to your call or email !
Your contact person:

Christiane Betzner
Phone: +49 (0) 911 / 13136 - 211
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it